Connecting impact-driven people in Tech, Policy, Sustainability.

We believe: the path to a regenerative world is through self care, community care and planetary care.

What we do

Quarterly drinks & talks

Meet the community at our quarterly get-togethers attended by 150 people, and listen to inspiring lightning talks.

IQ Unplugged

Dive deeper into social, climate and economic justice and more - via our workshops, talks & conversation circles.

Building community

Connect with like-minded people, create mutual support, use your privileges for good and build collective power.

What is Idealists Quarterly and who is it for?

Idealists Quarterly, created by Christina Wunder in 2022, is a diverse community of change makers — each of us trying to improve our little corner of the world. Many of us are rooted in or interested in Tech, Policy and Sustainability. We are committed to social, economic and climate justice, and believe the path to that must centre self care, community care and planetary care.

Whether you are motivated and hopeful – or struggling to come to terms with the injustices in the world. Whether you are overwhelmed by eco-anxiety and compassion fatigue, or just tired of being labelled a troublemaker for speaking up about what you believe in — Idealists Quarterly is for you.

There is power in community and collaboration. IQ is a place where you can connect with others who can relate to what you’re experiencing. You can learn from and support each other. Develop strategies for change. Lift up the voices of marginalised people. And learn how to use your privileges for good.

Impressions from our past events

Make a donation.

Idealists Quarterly is a volunteer-run non-profit, and we aim to keep our events free as much as possible. If you would like to support our future events, consider making a small donation. It can be a one-off contribution, or a recurring one — entirely up to you.
Thank you in advance!